Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Ok so for this particular blog i've decided to talk about one of the more recent musicals to hit the stage in Broadway. Which is the hit rock opera "Rent".

Now i am a HUGE fan of musicals and even if you may not like them, you can not denie the fact that they have inspired generations around the world for hundreds of years inspiring the way people dress and the way we walk and talk. The phenomenon of "Rent" is no exception.

"Rent" is a rock musical with many amazing and memorable songs written by Johnathen Larson. These include the very powerful number "La vie boheme" and the more moving numbers such as "Without you" and "1,000 sweet kisses" with the most famous song from the musical being "Seasons of love". Based on Giacomo Puccini's opera La bohème this sensational musical tells the story of a group of impoverished young artists and musicians struggling to survive and make their mark in New York's Lower East Side and struggling to fight against the life threatining illness that is AIDS.

Now I have to say when it comes to musicals I normally favour the stage versions of it rather than the film as I find that attending the theatre brings something more to a show however in the case of "Rent" I think that the film is a million times better than the stage version. Which is of coarse due to the fact that the cast of the film are the original boradway cast who are all consistently fantastic throughout.

Rent is a musical that involves several lower-class bohemian adults living in New York City. The musical takes place in the winter, and goes forward into spring. It is a touching musical that examines the different aspects of everyones life. Gay lovers and drug addicts are amongst the characters, but they show such love and passion for each other it’s hard to believe they face struggles. Rent is easily one of the most touching modern rock musicals ever written, and it is a definite hit with most who watch it.

Rent the Musical started in the 90s as a Broadway production, but was later turned into a film for those that couldn’t make it to the Broadway shows. It is controversial, heart warming, tear jerking, and upbeat at the same time. The catchy songs and lyrics make you think, but also make you want to dance. The musical is not only fun to watch, but its fun to sing along too. It gets graphic and heart wrenching at points, but its well worth it.

It is no longer shown on Broadway anyway, but the musical earned quite a large sum from its performances over the years. It didn’t make anyone rich, but it has touched the lives of anyone who has seen it. Symbolism and subjects performed include talking about AIDS, drug addiction, gay relationships, and the hardship of love in general, poverty, and starving. The hopes and dreams of a few individuals are performed so boldly and brilliantly on stage and on screen. The RENT musical is easily found for viewing, if you are interested in checking it out. It’s the best modern musical and highly recommended for anyone looking to watch a great musical or a great film.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea it was based on Puccini's opera. That's interesting to learn.
